Monday, November 10, 2008

Common found Snake in residential areas of Mumbai & near by areas :

Spectacled Cobra : It is Venomous snake
How to Identify :
Head distinct, with large nostrils and large black eyes that have round pupils. Body colour is yellowish, dark brown or black. Spectacled mark only visible when hood is spread: this mark is subject to considerable variation and may even be absent. There are two black marks on the inside of the hood opposite the spectacled mark. When excited it raises itself off the ground.
Habitat / Habits :
India’s commonest venomous snake, the cobra may be found in jungles, grasslands, paddy fields, ant hills and even in old houses. It feeds on frogs, toads, mice, small birds. It lays 10-15 eggs between April – May which hatch in about 60-70 days.

Rat Snake / Dhaman : It is Non Venomous Snake
How to Identify : Large eyes with round, yellow-bordered pupils. Vertical black lines separate lip scales. Yellowish brown, moss-green, light whitish-brown or almost black. Long, gradually tapered tail is almost one-fourth of the total body length and has a black net-like design. Downside the body is Yellowish in colour, the running speed is very fast.
Habitat / Habits : Commonly seen around the green area like garden, who climbs trees and swims well & water tanks, He can stay underwater for about ten minutes. Inflates its neck and hisses when disturbed. Feeds mainly on rats, hence he is called Rat Snake, and also on toads, frogs, lizards, geckos, small birds and bats. It lays 12-36 eggs between May – August.

Russell’s Viper : It is Venomous Snake
How to Identify : Stout, round body with thin, short tail. Its head is flat & triangular with small scales on top with large nostrils; vertical pupils. Brown body with tree rows of dark brown. Oval-shaped marks that have a white border; dark black spots between marks. Underside and lip scales white.
Habitat / Habits : Found in anthills, rat holes, fields and grasslands. Makes a loud, hissing sound when disturbed; strikes fast when provoked and its feeds mainly on rats.

Saw-Scalled Viper : It is Venomous Snake
How to Identify : Pale brown with a white-bordered, zip-zap pattern. Its body is White underneath, with tiny brown sports. Head with small scales and a white or pale brown spear mark on top. Large golden eyes have vertical black pupils. Rounded body has scales with saw-like keels and tails are short.
Habitat / Habits : Commonly seen in coastal areas. Found under boulders and thorny bushes. Though nocturnal, may be seen basking in the mornings. When disturbed, it coils and rubs its saw-like scales together to make a noise like a wood-saw. It feeds on scorpions, centipedes, geckos, skinks, frogs and small mice. Four-eight live ones are born between July-August. Young measure approximately 8-12cm.

Checkered Keelback Water Snake : It is Non Venomous Snake
Who to Identify :
Large eyes have round pupils. A checkered pattern of glossy, keeled scales on the upper body with rows of black, yellow, grey or moss-green checks alternatively places with white ones. Its fore body are sometimes reddish; 2 black streaks behind the eyes; underside white.
Habitat / Habits :
Found in rivers, ponds, nallas, lakes – hunting for fish in shallow waters; prefers staying on land at night. If threatened, flattens neck and strikes with mouth wide open. Mainly feed on fish and frogs. Young ones eat tadpoles and water beetles. It lays 20-40 eggs in crevices near water bodies.

Buff-Striped Keelback : It is Non Venomous Snake
How to Identify :
Slender brown body tapers towards long tail; light brown or yellow stripes run along body from head to tail. Fore-body with black or dark brown bands which contain whitish spots. Head: light grayish brown with yellow lip scales; two black lines behind eyes and underside is yellow.
Habitat / Habits : Found near water bodies in marshy areas and paddy field. In is shy snake, spreads its body to display blue or red colour between scales when scared. During the mating season, six or seven males can be seen following a female. Due to pheromones (sex hormones) that are released in the air, even a recently killed female may attract males during this particular season. This has given rise to the misbelieve that at least six more snake turn up it Buff-Striped Keelback is killed. Feeds on frogs and toads, it lays 8-9 eggs twice a year (May-June and October – November)

Banded Kukri Snake : It is Non Venomous Snake
How to Identify :
Rounded body; eyes with round pupils. Ash-or reddish brown with around 20 black or dark brown bands and usually 3 black ‘V’ shaped marks on the head, white underside sometimes with black spots, often mistake for the Banded Krait.
Habitat / Habits : Found in ant hills, crevice in rocks, tree hollows, old houses or heaps of stones. Shy in temperament, does not generally bite, it feeds on reptile eggs, geckos, skinks, and mice. Young ones survive on insects and worms. Constricts prey with 2-3 coils before swallowing it & its lays 5-7 eggs in crevices.

Common Wolf Snake :
It is Non Venomous Snake
How to Identify :
Body with glossy, smooth scales. Flat, broad head – distinct from neck and brown body with broad white or yellow band on neck, and white or yellow bands that are fainter towards the tail.
Habitat / Habits : Nocturnal climbs vertical wall in search of geckos. Found commonly near human habitation, it generally prefers old houses or heaps of rubble. Feed mainly on geckos and occasionally on skinks and frogs. Its lays 4-11 eggs during March-May & New born snakes have a translucent skin.

Common Sand Boa : It is Non Venomous Snake
How to Identify :
Keeled, small scales on head; thick body; short, blunt, rough, pointed tail and small eyes with vertical pupils. Nostrils placed high on the head. Ventral scales narrower than width of the body. Sand coloured or brown with darker brown with darker blotches. Often mistaken for the young of the Indian Rock Python or Russell’s Viper.
Habitat / Habits : Found in sandy area, prefers to live in crevices or burrows. Short tempered; coils and hides head under body when disturbed. If provoked, strikes with a jerky movement. Otherwise, a slow moving snake. Feeds mainly on squirrels, lizards and skinks; Gives birth to 7-9 young that are about 8cm long.

Indian Rock Python : It is Non Venomous Snake / Maximum length :760cm
How to Identify :
Stout body with smooth, shiny scale. Eyes with vertical pupils short, prehensile tail. Labial pits on lip scales are thermo-receptors and help snake locate warm blooded prey. Dark brown blotches on a grey, off-white or pale brown body. Head with arrow-shaped mark that is incomplete in front and Impure white, pinkish-brown or yellow underside
Habitat / Habits : Founded in forests and also open areas and even agricultural, live in rocks areas near water bodies. It can stay under water for up to 30 minutes. Feed mainly on small mammals, also preys on water birds and monitor lizards. Excretes undigested part of the prey body like horns, hooves, teeth, hair and beaks. Two months after mating during January- March, 8-100eggs, 12 x 6cm size are laid. The female stays with the eggs till they hatch.

Common Indian Krait : It is Venomous Snake / Maximum length : 175cm
How to Identify : Body with smooth, glossy scales – those of the upper most row are hexagonal and distinctly enlarged. Blue or black, occasionally dark brown body with single or paired white bands. The bands are more distinct towards the tail.
Habitat / Habits : Shy temperament. Feeds mostly on snakes – sometimes even other kraits; occasionally eats mice, frogs or lizards. Lays to 10-12 eggs in May.

Common Vine Snake : It is Venomous Snake / Maximum length : 200cm
How to Identify : Long, thin body and tail. Elongate, pointed head with large golden – yellow eyes that have horizontal pupils. Bright or dark green body, sometimes with a bluish tint. Light green underside with thin white line on either side. Brown form resembles the Brown Vine Snake.
Habitat / Habits : Found on small bushes and trees. When disturbed, enlarge forebody to display a black and white pattern that is otherwise hidden under the scales. May strile with mouth wide open. Feeds on lizards, frogs and small birds. Gives birth from 3-23 young (depending on the size of the mother: larger snakes bear more young).


How you can help : If you see any snakes in residential area, don’t kill, call an snake rescue team, please keep an watch on it, till rescue team reach the spot, don’t disturb the snake. Don’t make sound & crowd around the snake, so that rescuer can easily carryout his rescue operation. PAWS-Mumbai Wildlife Rescue Helpline : 9833480388 / 9892179542