Friday, November 21, 2008

Letter from the Patron’s desk :

Dear Friends,

Let me begin by letting you in on how this whole association with PAWS-Mumbai happened for me. One fine evening I received an invitation via sms and then followed up by a phone call from one Sunish Subramanian. I was infact at the time been thinking of lending my support and getting involved with an organisation or NGO that was going about doing their service diligently and responsibly. Being an animal lover myself and also someone who understands the need to protect nature in the times we living in, I took to what sunish said seriously. He followed up on our conversation with material pertaining to the organisation PAWS-Mumbai. I was seriously impressed at this man's passion for his selfless work. He relentlessly goes about helping rescue, injured, sick and abandoned animals all for the love he has for them.

One man can only do so much.......only with the assistance of like minded people (volunteers) today Sunish has formed a team he calls Plant & Animals Welfare Society -Mumbai. Now that the team is unified in a cause they are in action every day on call just to help the voiceless and distressed. They are in constant need for some kind of support from people who share this common desire to help. I have been privileged to be associated as a patron member of PAWS-Mumbai. I am constantly made aware of their relentless work through the daily newspapers. I have put my faith in a very trustworthy organisation and am proud of their work.

I humbly urge you to have faith in PAWS-Mumbai as I have, and contribute in whatever way possible to fuel this selfless work they are doing for society. Our help will ensure an uninterrupted functioning of this noble operation. May God bless you for helping the Voiceless essentials of this universe.

Warmest regards

Shayan Munshi

Shayan Munshi is model turned actor & an ardent animal love, he is associated with PAWS-Mumbai as Patron Member. His latest offerings as an entertainment artist in films like Jhankaar Beats, The Bong Connection, Ahista Ahista are few of them.